Our range of wooden accessories have come about from a woodturning hobby that provides a bit of light relief from dyeing. We obtain wood from a variety of sources. Most comes from British suppliers but we also getsome from a local wood recycling project and some is obtained from local trees that have either come down naturally, or have been felled due to disease or because they pose a hazard.
The current range is:
Nostepinnes are the traditional tools for winding centre-pull balls or cakes and are really easy to use. Our standard nostepinnes are big enough to wind a full 150g skein of Lustrous 4ply. Using a range of woods and changing the shape makes each noste unique while hoefully roviding an ideal shape/weight for every user.
Unlike our full size nostes, our minis are more suited to hand spinners who tend to produce smaller quantities of yarn. Each mini-noste can be used to wind skeins of 30-40g.
Originally we just produced shawl pins but now sell them with rings to improve their useability. They include a variety of shapes including some animal or plant motifs.
Lets, face it, many of the orifice hooks that come with spinning wheels are pretty naff. As an alternative we can offer a hardwood-handled tools with a flexible wire loop that easily flexes in and out of any shape of orifice.
See our specific page for these spinning tools